Monday, February 27, 2017

Does Donald Trump Jog/Run? Several Presidents Before Him Did!

Pictured above are five U.S. Presidents, dating back to the late 1970's. As you can see, jogging/running is a common interest between them. Some liked to try road races, such as President Jimmy Carter. However, he did have one particularly alarming incident. In 1979, President Carter collapsed while running a six-mile race, sparking fears that he had suffered a heart attack. White House physicians diagnosed heat exhaustion and declare him to be "perfectly normal." Ninety minutes later, President Carter was handing out trophies at the finish line.

According to Runner's World magazine, in 2002 President George W. Bush ran a 3-mile race in 20:29 — a time that placed him in the top 3 percent of all U.S. 5K race finishers of any age. President Bush told Runner's World magazine that one of his jobs as president was to set an example: "I have an opportunity to send the message to the American people that I'm serious about exercising — and you should be, too."

The presidential protective division tried everything to talk President Bill Clinton out of running in unsecured areas. They even went so far (no pun intended!) to have a quarter-mile, state-of-the-art track installed along the perimeter of the White House grounds. President Clinton tried it, didn't like it and requested that Secret Service come up with some running routes outside of the confines of the White House fence. The Secret Service eventually mapped out a few running routes that satisfied both their security requirements and the President's request. President Clinton jogged about three days a week.

President Barack Obama has been called one of the fittest U.S. presidents ever. He worked out 45 minutes per day, six days per week. For cardio-workouts, he ran on treadmills or an elliptical machine.

So, what about our current President, Donald Trump? If you Google running or jogging images of President Trump, you won't find any. You may see a few pictures of him jogging 400 meters with the Olympic Torch during the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay, but that's it. As a boy, President Trump captained his baseball team and played football, soccer, and wrestled. Although it appears he's not a jogger, he does continue to play golf.

In September 2016, Vice President Joe Biden said this about Donald Trump: “I’d like to jog with him. I don’t think he could keep up." That's a match-up I'd like to see!

From Him, Through Him, For Him (Romans 11:36),

Paul J. Staso

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