Monday, March 2, 2020

Its Been a Decade Since I Was on Television, And I'm Good With That!

This month marks ten years since the last time I was on television. In 2010, I did a few interviews in Germany as I was running across that country... and those would be my final appearances on TV. Essentially, from 2006 through 2010 I was on television each year as I ran across a particular state or country promoting youth fitness. In 2011, I ran solo across the Mojave Desert, but that endeavor didn't result in any television interviews. I've written before in this blog on my thoughts about my running and the media. In short, none of the steps I took were with the aim of getting on television.

If you're interested, you can see some of my T.V. news stories at my YouTube channel.

I've actually had some people tell me that I'm "famous" for all that I've accomplished in my running career, and the fact that I was featured on numerous television news programs and radio stations. I don't consider myself "famous" at all. I can walk down any sidewalk and nobody (aside from family and friends) will know who I am. In my opinion, "famous" people are well known by the general population and often have a bank account reflecting their "famous" status. Well, I actually spent my own money to do the solo adventure runs that I did, so my bank account didn't grow as a result... but actually shrunk. Also, if you were to ask anyone if they know who Paul Staso is, I can guarantee that they won't have a clue. Personally, I'm fine with not being famous.

I put a lot of time, energy, heart and sacrifice into my running. I didn't do it to get on television or to become famous. I did it because I felt compelled in my heart to do it. I felt a conviction for the purpose of my running. I ran with the belief that if I just kept reaching for the mileposts I would positively impact the lives of young people. In some ways I succeeded in that mission, and in some ways I didn't.

I'm sure there will always be some people who recall the day that they were driving down the road and passed a runner who was pushing a yellow jogging stroller along the edge of the highway in an unlikely location. I can tell you that 99.9 percent of them didn't stop. For some, I was likely just a momentary distraction or someone that was an idiot for being on the shoulder of the road. My method for promoting youth health and fitness may have been 'outside the box' and unlike methods previously done by others, but it certainly wasn't without focus, determination and dedication.

From Him, Through Him, For Him (Romans 11:36),

Paul J. Staso

Visit my YouTube channel --

Click on any of the links below to see some of my adventure photos: