Researchers from Oregon State University and the University of Mississippi published the results of a study that looked at four main areas that constitute a "healthy lifestyle," those being "a good diet, moderate exercise, a recommended body fat percentage and being a non-smoker." Almost all Americans failed the four-point test. The headline figure from the study is that a mere 2.7% of Americans actually hit all four markers of living a healthy lifestyle. That means that 2.7% of Americans don’t smoke; eat a healthy diet; exercise; and, have a body fat percentage within a normal range. Sadly, the percentage of people who didn’t pass any category was 11%.
Research by Arizona State University found that one in six females would rather be blind than obese. Alongside giving up their eyesight, many said they would prefer alcoholism or herpes to being overweight, while a quarter would rather suffer from depression.
According to research results published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 48 percent of the women surveyed would definitely be interested in going under the knife, with a further 23 percent possibly interested in surgical intervention. The corresponding figures for men were 23 percent and 17 percent respectively, which would appear to suggest that negative body image is something that is now crossing genders.
Northumbria University has found that smoking can have a serious effect on day to day memory during the lifetime of a smoker. In tests, people who smoked were found to lose one third of their everyday memory. According to the study, smokers performed significantly worse in memory tests than those who did not smoke; however, they found that kicking the habit restored their ability to recollect information.
You may be taking in more sugar than you know. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, food companies have been increasing the sugar content of processed foods to make them more appetizing. As a result, many people are unaware of how much sugar they are eating. The study showed that some people are unknowingly eating up to 46 teaspoons of sugar each day!
Four out of every ten premature deaths may be caused by cancer, but the World Health Organization issued a report stating that a third of all the different types of cancer could be prevented by changes in people’s behavior. Typical causes of cancer which could be eliminated include: tobacco consumption; a sedentary lifestyle; being overweight; drinking alcohol; bacterial infection; and, polluted environments.
Americans are the biggest consumer of weight loss products (80%) in the world, yet still lead the world in obesity and unhealthy lifestyle.
From Him, Through Him, For Him (Romans 11:36),
Paul J. Staso
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- United States in 2006 (3,260 miles solo in 108 days at age 41)
- Montana in 2008 (620 miles solo in 20 days at age 43)
- Alaska in 2009 (500 miles solo in 18 days at age 44)
- Germany in 2010 (500 miles solo in 21 days at age 45)
- The Mojave Desert in 2011 (506 miles solo in 17 days at age 46)
- Various Photos From Mileposts Gone By
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- Some Cycling Moments From The Past