This blog uses the free blog-publishing service of "Blogger," which has been around for nearly 20 years. In 1999, Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs -- which was bought by Google in 2003. I believe that this service will continue for a long time. Therefore, I decided to place my blog here. You see, I won't be around forever and once I cross my final finish line on this earth I want my writings left behind -- both for the benefit of my children as well as those who may find one of my writings via a Google search related to a topic I've addressed. Maybe my words will help to educate and/or encourage someone after my time here is done. I know that may sound rather dismal coming from a 52-year-old... but it is one of the reasons for my writing -- although not the only reason!
If you read my blog writings from 5 to 10 years ago, you know that the focus was on my ultra-endurance training, running across large expanses of land, and topics related to youth fitness. Over the past 10 months, I've included in this blog a variety of writings -- some about sport, some about nutrition, some about personal experiences, and so on. I try to post a blog writing each weekday, Monday through Friday, taking the weekends away from it. I enjoy writing and my eldest daughter once told me that she's amazed that I always seem to find something to write about.
This blog is a way for me to do something I enjoy -- write. It also gives me a place to share things that I feel are worthy of a 3-minute read. I also take opportunities to share some personal thoughts and experiences. However, I am not an "open book" to the general public. The personal things that I share through this blog are selected carefully. I'm sure some family members and friends have learned things about me and/or my running that they didn't know until they read this blog.
Writing has always been an enjoyment for me. I was in an advanced English class in 8th grade and on the yearbook staff. Since then, writing has been a part of my life. One of my B.A. degrees is in journalism and I do a lot of writing in the law profession. I've had numerous websites that I've built and written for, and I've written a book that I'm aiming to publish in the future. Writing has been as much a part of my life as running has been. Each word written is like a step taken, and eventually I reach the finish line and sign off with...
From Him, Through Him, For Him (Romans 11:36),
- United States in 2006 (3,260 miles solo in 108 days at age 41)
- Montana in 2008 (620 miles solo in 20 days at age 43)
- Alaska in 2009 (500 miles solo in 18 days at age 44)
- Germany in 2010 (500 miles solo in 21 days at age 45)
- The Mojave Desert in 2011 (506 miles solo in 17 days at age 46)
- Various Photos From Mileposts Gone By
- Students Worldwide Who Ran With Me Virtually
- Roadside Sights From My Running Adventures
- Some Cycling Moments From The Past