Thursday, September 22, 2016

Happy 1st Day of Autumn!

Autumn is my favorite season of the year! I love the crispness of the air, the beautiful changing colors of the leaves, and the lead up to the holidays. I also love running in the autumn more than any other time of year.

I can't help but to run a little slower in the autumn as my eyes soak in the wonderful varieties of colors. Here's a tidbit of information for you -- yellow, orange and variations thereof always reside in the pigmentation of tree leaves, but they are overpowered by the abundance of green from the chlorophyll in the leaves. Once autumn arrives, when the sun weakens and days grow shorter, the amount of chlorophyll in leaves diminishes, allowing the other pigments in the leaves to show through. Red and purple leaves are actually caused by the presence of sugars from sap that is trapped inside of the leaves.

It won't be long before I see Canada Geese flying overhead here in Indiana as they make their way south. Autumn is a peak migration time for many species of birds. They will fly to other areas seeking more comfortable climates. The Arctic tern journeys about 11,000 miles each way for its annual migration. That's like going all the way across the United States about three and a half times!

Indiana's peak time for autumn colors is the middle two weeks of October. I'll definitely be stepping a little slower then! I hope that you have a wonderful autumn season of running and enjoying the changing colors!

From Him, Through Him, For Him (Romans 11:36),

Paul J. Staso

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